Sunday, October 6, 2024

Transitioning into me writing this blog

 Hi Folks, now I am almost 11 and I can read and write very well :) Therefore, I wish to take over this blog and start writing by myself. Stay tuned! I will write about all my adventures, travels, and expeditions in detail. I may still take the help of my mom because my typing is not that fast.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Now I am seven and can read if I want to

 Hi Folks, sorry for this long sabbatical. It was almost impossible for my mom to write the blogs since she would leave her computer at work and will not touch it while she is at home. But lately I see her bringing work home, so it is possible again for her to scribble few lines for me as well. Although I am little over 7 and can read and write by myself, but dont have the access and the ambience to try writing. So I will let my mom write for me!

I had a mixed 2020 where the pandemic almost knocked many of us down with multiple life changing adjustments. One such change for me is no school and no day care! I am absolutely home and at my playful best. I pull all my toys and mess up the house. When my mom says to put them back where they belong, it makes no sense what so ever to me. If they are meant to be kept back neatly, why one needs to have them? They all need to be played with. My barbies are actually people and they have liking and dis-likings and they too like to play. I love playing with them. I open the door in barbies hands and I have a special liking for hand moving and feet moving barbies.

This aside, I have my annual class 1 exams is going on. Now I can read the questions and write the answers my own ways. Although I have not mastered that art, but I am getting independent. I do bunch of things by myself. That includes taking bath, dressing by myslef, going down 5 floors and coming back all by myself. I now know how to read and write in 2 languages that is Hindi and English. Although oriya is my mother tongue, I have not started reading and writing in that language yet, may be someday I will be able to do it.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ada can read and write (sort of now)

It has been straight 2 and half years I did not write anything on her behalf. Now suddenly browsing these old memoirs pulled a string or two to say something about my baby. Ada is all of now 5 years and 4 months old. She had her grand 5th birthday party with the fairy theme that she wanted. She had big balloon gates, big cakes, many invited guests.....

Now she is going to go to prep and can read and write (little bit of a over statement though ;)

Here are some of our latest together .... More coming soon....

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Me as a toddler...

Hi Friends, its been a while I posted in this blog. I am now a solid 2 years 7 months old toddler into full actions. I have now my strong likes and dislikes. Let me tell you what I like the most. To play, play and only play at home with my mom and dad (when he is home). Yes, you heard it right, I dont like playing with anyone else!! I like to go to the park, I like to swing, I like to do crayon, activities and I constantly chatter. My vocabulary is strong now. I can talk in two langages. When I realize people are not understanding my oriya, I switch to fluent Bengaly. I also understand some english, like yes, no, come, sit etc. and possibly some hindi too...

Among my dislikes, the foremost is to do potty, followed by getting a shampoo done, a bath and going to school. So far the friction with my mom has been on the above mentioned items. Otherwise, I am a good toddler. I dont break anything, I dont tear books ( I used to do that when I was much younger - not any more), I dont  throw things, bite, scratch or pull hair and the list is long. However, what I do is cry loudly when things are not my way. My mom is strong she does not yield to my cries, so I have to mellow down like a wise kid. After all it is my loss...

I prefer to eat in my hands many times - although to the horror of my mom that I will spill things. After food I keep the empty plates on the table. I remove my shoes after entering into the house. Most imporantly for the last one month, I am off the diaper. I dont wet bed any more and always tell before I need to go to bathroom.

I somehow dont like to do potty, so I hide it many times and my mom is frustrated about it. Hey I am still a toddler, so I have my likes and dislikes. I dont like to get shampoo done because I fear water will enter my eyes, so also taking bath - I am not sure why though. I used to love taking bath few months back, but suddenly something has changed. Probably I am linking it to unpleasant event such as going to school. Now there is a trade of. Every morning during the working days also I negotiate with my mom to take me to park if I take  a bath. I know my mom gets very tired and stressed out, but cant do it otherwise -  am still a toddler. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Dress designing by my mom

Something is caught up with my mom. Ever since she bought her Singer 8280 sewing machine model, she just wants to stitch and I became a victim of her dress designing. SInce I cant tell yet whether a frock looks good or bad, but still have to wear, she makes me wear all her newest creations!!

She has started stiching my dresses for last 15 days and ever since she has made altogether 5 dresses and they are in order here...

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Teacher complimented me yesterday :)

Hi, its me again. Yesterday something very good happened. While my mom was dropping me at the door of day care, I started crying (which I do when my mom drops me). Then my teacher comes in and says "Ada is one of the best babies in our day care". Then she corrects herself and says "Ada is the best baby in the day care". Although it may sound very trivial, I could see the pride and happiness in my mom's eyes. After all she is training me to be the way I am now. Well that is what she thinks but actually I am a very good baby when my parents are not around.

I do understand a lot of stuff. For example, now I say that "my mom will drop me at school and go". Also yesterday while coming home, my mom took a slightly different route and immediately I recognized that and asked her to take the right route :)

Among other things I did yesterday was I actually wrote an 'A' and said to my mom, look mom this is an 'A'. Well that is all from me for my updates till yesterday. Bye for now and take care! Happy new year to all...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

What I am upto now

I am now 2 years and 2 months (almost) old. So, you can say I am a big baby. I love to be called a big baby. I like it when my mom and dad say  "Are wah". So to get the appreciation, I take my empty food plates to the table and keep it there. It is a record that so far I have not broken any glass utensils although I handle them regularly (sic). My papa on the other hand has broken many glass plates and bowls :)
I now know the difference between big and small; near and far; here and there; I can almost speak everyhting (Although I dont understand all of them). Someties I understand many things that surprises my mom and dad. They think where I got that from. I have 2 best friends Eeshani and Moon, about whom I talk all the time. They are sometimes my motivation to go to the school.
I go to the park with my mom every weekend. We have coconut water, cream and buy milk and veggies. I love to play on the play park. Now we have discovered a small play area where I play my foot ball and chase crows. That place is dirty many times because people throw stuff there. My mom and I clean that place many times and I am happy about it. Now I am learning how to write. I am making small circles on the paper, that may look like fine art. My motor skills, vocabulary skills are on rise. I am in a happy space now. My mom got me a key board and we learn new music every day. Here is a video of mine chasing crow in the park.

Please come back again and read my blog.