Thursday, December 17, 2015

What I am upto now

I am now 2 years and 2 months (almost) old. So, you can say I am a big baby. I love to be called a big baby. I like it when my mom and dad say  "Are wah". So to get the appreciation, I take my empty food plates to the table and keep it there. It is a record that so far I have not broken any glass utensils although I handle them regularly (sic). My papa on the other hand has broken many glass plates and bowls :)
I now know the difference between big and small; near and far; here and there; I can almost speak everyhting (Although I dont understand all of them). Someties I understand many things that surprises my mom and dad. They think where I got that from. I have 2 best friends Eeshani and Moon, about whom I talk all the time. They are sometimes my motivation to go to the school.
I go to the park with my mom every weekend. We have coconut water, cream and buy milk and veggies. I love to play on the play park. Now we have discovered a small play area where I play my foot ball and chase crows. That place is dirty many times because people throw stuff there. My mom and I clean that place many times and I am happy about it. Now I am learning how to write. I am making small circles on the paper, that may look like fine art. My motor skills, vocabulary skills are on rise. I am in a happy space now. My mom got me a key board and we learn new music every day. Here is a video of mine chasing crow in the park.

Please come back again and read my blog.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I just turned two yay.....

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Ada, Happy Birthday to you.. Love this song when my mom and dad sing this for me on 1st November 2015. It was my second birthday and we celebrated it all by ourselves - since I am still too small.

Day began very well. I was bathed, wore a nice princess dress. Cut a nice cheese cake, blew candles, made wishes, songs were played for me photos were clicked and videos were taken. But that is not all. I had more surprises. My mom and dad planned a surprise trip for me - yes it was a trip to the science city. 

I was fascinated by the structures. The science city itself is inspired by the Universal Studio ( a mini version), where there are rides some shows. Some thing is complimentary and some others are paid. For instance the entry ticket is 40 rupees and it covers general items such as mazes, swings few things here and there. And there are paid rides such as a ride around the city (in a battery car), takes about 7 minutes to complete. And there is mono-rail, where you will need to pedal. There is a 3-D show on Egyptian Mummies and one adventurous theater, time machine etc. All of these can be purchased separately. Sadly half of the common equipment were either broken or non-functional. I had a great time there though.

The day ended in we heading for lunch to Ind-Thalia near lake park. While coming back home I did something new - my parents did not know I was capable of that. I asked them to hold my hands on two sides and I would just curl my legs up and swing. It was fun. Actually I was on a virtual swing the entire trip back home. It was a great day :)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My first day out in a zoo....:)

I am very excited about my first day out in a zoo. We went to Aligarh zoo 2 days back. My parents thought I love my animal book so much, so I will enjoy watching them live. This time again I tricked them;) I love animals but don't like to see them inside cages where they are barely visible. It does not make a pretty sight.

I first saw a chimpanzee,  it was making gestures, I liked it. Thereafter I saw defers, snakes, turtles, various types of birds and then Emus. That's it after that I did not want to see any more animals. I knew my parents will include that in my bed time stories to scare me ;) after that I went berserk , started running around, giving them hard time to control me. For the first time I showed them that I can bite when not happy, but I am very careful. I don't bite very hard, just my little trick to get my way. In any case, it was a fun day. I enjoyed my day out.
Yesterday, my mom took me to Garia hat for the first time. I had a auto ride and then we walked through the crowded lanes. I had no ideas why so many things were hanging. I wanted to pull them all, but my mom said I should not take things that does not belong to me! Whatever that means but I wanted to go to each shop and eat all the bananas. We could not get taxi back home and auto line was long, so my mom lifted me and walked home. I enjoyed the ride. So went my weekend. Tomorrow will again be another day at school....

Monday, July 6, 2015

I am approaching terrible two - watch out :)

Again sorry folks, delayed a bit in writing. You see now that I am going to school, I am keeping myself as well as my parents and everyone else very busy. I have picked up quite a lot of vocabulary these days and can immitate people very well. Now I am a drama queen and I understand  many things that my parents actually have no idea about. When needed I run into this crying feat and roll over on the floor. My  parents give in most of the time. But I guess they are also catching up with my cleverness. Some of the internet guides are suggesting to ignore a crying baby and they are doing just that. I hate it .... My mum seems to be much stricter than dad, so I generally dont throw any anger tantrums when I am alone with her.

I can now easily speak 70-80 words and I am trying to speak sentences so that people understand me well. Now I learnt to say NO very loudly. Anything I dont like I say NO. Today I used it when my mum asked in the park if I wanted to go home. And to  that I said a big NO... I enjoy this phase of my life, when I am heard and understood.

I can run now very fast, I like to play, swing, dance, jump listen to music etc. My favorite pass time is to throw things around. Although I am going to school for the past one and half months, I still  like to hang around at home. In my home, no one says anything but at school, I get disciplined. As a result I eat my dabba and everything else packed for me. But at home, I generally throw a lot of tantrums. I love marie biscuits and muri. I can survive on both the items indefinitely.. I will post some pictures soon. Thanks for reading my blog.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My First day at School-day care!!

Aplologies for not being able to post often - sorry my mum does not have blogspot access at work and I dont let her do anything when she is home ;). Now that you got the real reason why I am not blogging often, here is a piece I wanted to share with you. I have finally graduated from being a stay-at-home baby to a day care baby!! I have got admission to a nice school called Dolna that has a day care facility as well. They take care of babies really well, but are very particular about a number of things and that could be really taxing on my parents. They needed dozens of clothes always stocked, ironed and food to be packed in a certain type of box and to give a certain number of boxes of food. Anyways, since I am not doing any of that, I dont have to bother much about it.

Now comes the fun part. I went to school yeasterday for the first time. My mum and dad were really worried about me. They would worry that I will cry and will not stay, but none of that happened yesterday. I had good time. Ate about 50% of my food and dirtied about 10 pieces of clothes (not my headache though). However, today I was asleep when I was taken to school and cried a lot...

I will post more in coming days....